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Pure organic lime juice 3 liters

Lime juice is produced from fruit harvested when fully ripe. The fruit is pressed in the traditional way, using a press similar to that used to press grapes. The juice is pasteurised, with no added sugar or preservatives. Conservation Thanks to the pasteurization process, t ...En savoir plus
36,00 CHF

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Lime juice is produced from fruit harvested when fully ripe.

The fruit is pressed in the traditional way, using a press similar to that used to press grapes.

The juice is pasteurised, with no added sugar or preservatives.

WAD - Récolte de citrons

Thanks to the pasteurization process, the juice keeps well. Once opened, the juice must be kept in the refrigerator and consumed within 7 days.

The juice sold in bags of 3 or 5 liters in “bag-in-box” keep well even after opening and without refrigeration because the air does not enter the bag.

WAD - Pressage de citrons

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WAD  Av. C.F. Ramuz 101, 1009 Pully  +41 21 626 18 15  +41 78 803 04 84

Ouvert le Mercredi de 14h à 18h00 et le Vendredi de 10h à 13h30 | 16h30 à 19h00

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